Thursday, September 16, 2010

Choices, Decisions...

I suppose it's quite strange for a third year engineering student (biomedical, no less!) to be taking first year Japanese. To be honest, I don't really know what I was thinking myself. Between my engineering classes and my extracurriculars, I don't really need a language class on top of all of that. But I figured if I'll ever have a chance to take whatever I want, it might as well be now (when I am young and able).

I spent a lot of time deciding between Korean and Japanese. Many of my friends are Korean, and I had been part of the Korean Students Association's Culture Show board the past two years. But in eighth grade, in the midst of my anime/manga phase, I promised myself that I would take Japanese in college since my school only offered French, Spanish, and German (I took French).

And there is really no feeling like fulfilling a seven year promise to yourself.


Idée Fixe said...

LOL! I admire your enthusiasm as I think the same. Although I'm much too inarticulate of my thoughts as speech, I do love languages. I want to take as many as I can before I die. Good luck with biomedical engineering! I don't think enough women go into engineering so I'm all for it. (And yes, I am not an engineer major.)

ピーター said...

Yay biomedical engineering! Anyway, I know exactly how you feel about fulfilling old promises. In high school I tried doing Japanese with a friend, but we never really got around to doing it without the structure of a class. It's cool though, we'll get through Japanese no sweat, plus it provides a nice balance for quantitative physiology, fluid mechanics, etc!

Idée Fixe said...

It was definitely a Google error. It should say "Idée Fixe" as my name. I would imagine that anyone with that name would be a pedophile or something. LOL? I would imagine that Bio and Medicine are hard!! That's probably why I never chose to even go near it! What's most enticing about them? I've always wanted to ask, but I never got around to it!