Tuesday, September 28, 2010



But such is the life of an engineer, I suppose...

And I had an hour and a half meeting in there, so it wasn't exactly straight from 5:30PM to 4AM.

Tonight isn't looking much better. I have a problem set and lab report due tomorrow, as well as my daily vocabulary quiz in にほんご!


The worst part is, this isn't even as busy as I will be later in the semester/next semester.


So here's a fun video:

From here: http://wimp.com/synchronizedrunning/

Monday, September 20, 2010


Algorithm March!

There is another one with ninjas but for some reason it seems to have disappeared from YouTube. I don't know what all these dolphins are doing...

Japanese Marshmallow Game

Also, literally all of these: Mameshiba

Was this supposed to be in にほんご?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Choices, Decisions...

I suppose it's quite strange for a third year engineering student (biomedical, no less!) to be taking first year Japanese. To be honest, I don't really know what I was thinking myself. Between my engineering classes and my extracurriculars, I don't really need a language class on top of all of that. But I figured if I'll ever have a chance to take whatever I want, it might as well be now (when I am young and able).

I spent a lot of time deciding between Korean and Japanese. Many of my friends are Korean, and I had been part of the Korean Students Association's Culture Show board the past two years. But in eighth grade, in the midst of my anime/manga phase, I promised myself that I would take Japanese in college since my school only offered French, Spanish, and German (I took French).

And there is really no feeling like fulfilling a seven year promise to yourself.



